Facial AgeingFacial YogaSkincare Research

Visible Results, Relevant to Consumers

By 28th November 2016January 7th, 2017No Comments

In their recent paper on Evolutionary Psychology of Physical Attraction and the Role of Skin Condition in Perception of Beauty published by the IFSCC magazine, the authors have quantified the visible difference in perception of skin colour and surface topography:

  • In the forehead and the peri-orbital area, the study participants were able to detect as low as a 20% change in skin surface topography. 
  • In terms of skin colour distribution, a smoothing of inhomogeneity as low as 25% has a significant effect on facial heath perception.

Visible signs of facial ageing impact on how attractive we appear to others. Since 2007, Procter & Gamble have invested into facial attractiveness research that demonstrates that uneven skin coloration – as well as lines and wrinkles – matter in our perception of our facial age and attractiveness!

Whilst lines & wrinkles code for age, colour relates to perceived health of the individual.

Whilst uneven coloration matters, forehead lines and wrinkles are the top concern of my clients. Managing their expectations in terms of discernible results deliverable by their skincare routine is essential. The research paper by Samson et al [2010] relates to their age group, ethnicity [and severity scale of the concerns] :

Perception and noticeability of skin surface topography was studied by computer manipulation of six facial images of British women, aged 45–65 years. All topography cues (e.g. wrinkles, skin relief) were removed from the cheeks, the “crow’s feet” and the under the eye area, above the upper lip, and on the forehead at once and also gradually (in 20% increments). The images were judged by 300 Americans and Germans (aged 15–55 years) who were asked to determine the “younger looking” and “more attractive” image in a comparative pair.

Even small changes in wrinkle depth and volume are visible to our eyes; the forehead and the eye area are the most noticeable. A combination of skincare products, massage techniques and facial relaxation can provide an alternative to Botox.



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