Since opening my clinic in late August 2020, I have seen distinct changes in my clients’ facial skin, in comparison to previous years, reflecting the pandemic and daily stressful environment. The situation overall has made people more careful, in terms of limiting fun outdoors activities and socialising, which leads to using less make-up and perhaps neglecting their skincare routines at times. In terms of the skin microbiome, social distancing may have a positive effect but it impacts negatively our mental health. Read more in my blog for the Swiss company DSM.
As a result, premature ageing has been more visible, as well as people’s dietary choices and lifestyles, which have suffered due to inactivity. A ‘skincare holiday’ is good every so often but after months without regular attention facial skin deteriorates, even if it is not immediately visible.

In some cases, people’s skincare routines have become more intense, as they miss professional treatments but also face anxiety and depression, tiredness, masks and stress-related acne which they pick on, dermatoses from excessive product use, cleaning and hand sanitisers. As always, stresses and strains affect us all differently but neither neglect nor overcompensating with using too many different products helps. Here is my advice on acne published in the US Cosmetics & Toiletries.

There is much to be said for establishing a simpler and personalised daily routine – a few products you love using that deliver results for your concerns are all you need. The massage and facial yoga techniques encourage deeper absorption of skincare products and also, in times of no hugs, increase our own happy hormones – rewarding dopamine, bonding oxytocin and soothing serotonin.

As we go into the lockdown again, I would encourage you to take care of your faces and your bodies, we are in it for the long-haul. Book a Personalised Skincare Consultation or a Product Review Online (by zoom) or take a Class on 22 November to learn more about Facial Yoga. You could also send a Christmas Voucher to a friend.

I would like to wish you time of quiet contemplation, small pleasures and sanity for the next weeks.

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