I read India Knight’s Sunday Times Style column with interest and, secretly, have a conversation with her every time she publishes a piece on facial skincare. The Strike Oil article on 1st January caught my eye.
- Introducing the world of facials that can make an actual, immediate and noticeable difference to your appearance and improve your complexion overtime to the general public is a great message. Only one in four women in Britain has a regular facial, and usually not by a highly trained facialist.

- Also highlighting the expertise of London-based celebrity facialists, with magic hands and a range of tools from massage, peels to resurfacing and stimulating devices is fabulous. As India notes, super-facialists aren’t cheap and have waiting lists. But not every super-facialist lives in London, there are a handfull living outside of the capital who also bring “power facials” and “face gym” hands-on skills and expertise; East Yorkshire, in my case.
- Glowing, healthy skin requires more than a monthly facial, it is an at-home routine. Super-facialists have their own range of products that you can buy to use at home; they may not be cheap, but they work. India has faith in their expertise and likes the pared-down simplicity of Amanda Lacey’s range. Praising her Oils of Provence luxurious face oil [lavender, sage, ramose, eucalyptus, bois de rose] for oily skin, India has found her winter treat; a product that works for her!
- Facial oils, or even better smart oil-based serums are the future. Understanding which components of particular face oils and which combinations work for specific skin types is key. The trend for 2017 will be for smart combinations of pharma ingredients [India argued in “The Beauty Wars” that she does want to minimise the appearance of her wrinkles and combination of natural ingredients with advanced actives is the only way to make a difference]. She is right and we have done just that when designing the 4 Anti-Ageing Serum. Organic plant oils + scientifically proven ingredients!
- The cherry on the top is evidence-based application. Adding a step-by-step evidence-based massage to deliver results.
- The anti-ageing Vertical Line Reducing Massage has been shown to reduce the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles in a pilot two-week massage trial.
- The next step coming soon, a relaxing Mindful Facial Massage also delivers enhanced alpha wave pattern (suggesting a more relaxed mental state) , supported by EEG measurement of the brain.
- Paired down approach. India’s belief that you have to have serious faith in your products when there are so few of them [as in Amanda Lacey’s range] resonates with me. There are a few hero products among the vast sea of cleansers, moisturisers and masks but the correct combination depends on skin type.
Smart layering is still in vogue. I will help you navigate the market for your personalised and seasonal routines in 2017. Happy New Year!