Facial AgeingSkin ConcernsSkincare ResearchSociety of Cosmetic ScientistsWellbeing

Beauty Sleep: Beneficial or Damaging?

By 9th March 2016December 7th, 2016One Comment

Long, sound and refreshing sleep for facial beauty

Much of beauty is based on scientific advances, particularly in skincare. The Sleep Report (2014) compiled by This Works (and brought to my attention by Sunday Times) quotes research from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm reporting that “an adequate nights sleep helps make a person look more attractive”. The report makes for an interesting read. 

I experience first hand how lack of sleep (or even interrupted sleep) affects the skin – anxiety and fatigue can make even the face of a young woman look drawn and prematurely aged.

Sleeping on one side promoting sleep lines?

The quality of sleep matters but also which side of the face people sleep on makes a difference – leading to sagging and “sleep lines” discussed in previous blog. Or does it? My SCS colleague, Daniel Whitby from Cornelius highlighted a recent US study (2013) stating that “sleep side preference was not significantly correlated with the appearance of wrinkles or sagging”. The participant cohort included 41 right-sided and 23 left-sided female sleepers in Michigan.

My clinical experience concurs with previous study (1999; carried out in Miami and confirming the initial work by Dr. Samuel J. Stegman on sleep creases) that lines are truly more pronounced on the sleeping side. Searching for solutions, recent research (2015) offers a review of this area and promotes sleeping on an Anti-Wrinkle Pillow to redistribute mechanical stress and reduce facial wrinkles.


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